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March 05, 2024


December 11, 2023

A new class of target may hold the key to more effective cancer treatments. Neoantigen-targeted cancer vaccines can create personalized treatments for patients where conventional treatments have failed. The DNA mutations that cause cancer may lead to cells producing entirely new proteins. Called neoantigens, these new and unfamiliar proteins can be good targets to create […]


September 11, 2023

Infectious diseases pose an escalating threat to life and the economy driven by climate change, worldwide migration, and accelerated economic development. Vaccines are our best defense against the next pandemic. But even if pharma companies can develop them quickly, producing sufficient quantities to vaccinate the global population is time consuming and costly. There are still […]


September 11, 2022

Univercells received the Wallonia Sustainability Award 2022 granted by AWEX/WBI on September 8, 2022. Watch the below video for full details and interviews from David Louvet, Univercells Group’s COO-CHRO, Kate Antrobus, Univercells Groups’ CIO and Pascale Delcominnette, CEO of Awex/WBI:  


October 30, 2021

Global Health Insights 1. GLOBAL RESPONSE TO COVID-19 COVID-19 has resulted in unprecedented global demand for vaccines. To reach the coverage required for herd immunity, we need at least 5 billion vaccines per year. Epidemics and pandemics in the past have led to surges in public interest in vaccine production capacity, but interest wanes as […]


October 28, 2021

In October 2021 Univercells Group won the Trends-Tendances prestigious “Deal of the Year” award for our capital increase last year, attracting key investors such as Gamma Biosciences (part of KKR & Co. Inc.), international funds specialized in Global Health, Belgian institutional funds and private investors. Prior to those operations, the group had been restructured via […]


October 21, 2021

Gene therapies can cure previously incurable diseases, such as sickle cell diseas, but the cost of treatment is prohibitively expensive. Sickle cell disease overwhelmingly affects Africa – about 90% of children born with it could die before the age of five. Public and private sector organizations are working together to ensure affordable gene therapies are […]